Aufgaben der Verpackung Ökologische Verträglichkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und ein sorgfältiger Umgang mit unserer Umwelt.
  • The Ukrainian Packaging Market

    von Mariia Alipatova 27. Juli 2023

    Since 1997 the Ukrainian packaging industry had been growing rapidly with annual growth of 9–12 % per year before the war. It consists of approx. 2,000 companies and 300,000 employers. Training for the packaging industry in Ukraine is done on a very high scientific level. 25 universities with Bachelor and Master degrees in print and media, packaging technology and mechanical engineering of packaging machinery exist throughout the whole country. Who “produce” more than 1250 specialist every year plus some dozen of PhD. One of the main ones is our cooperation partner the National University of Food Technologies (NUFT) in Kyiv. [2]

    Ukraine hosts several material suppliers‘ production sites catering to the packaging industry.

    In the attached PDF file you can see 6 „maps“ where the main productions sites are located throughout the country. [1] country overview 6 maps

    1) The main producers of paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard and packaging

    2) The main producers of flexible plastic materials and packaging (P.S. Ukrplastic had been visited by us; see article)

    3) The main producers of rigid plastic packaging

    4) The main manufacturers of glass packaging

    5) The main producers of tin and aluminum packaging

    6) The main manufacturers of packaging equipment

    The internet links to the companies (most of them are in English) can be found in the attached PDF file. Weblinks to companies

    If you would like to optain further market insights you can contact the Club Packagers Ukraine who also maintains the webpage of

    Please, stand with Ukraine and support the economy and moral by concidering supplies from Ukraine now and in the future.

    Written by Mariia Alipatova and Prof. Stefan Junge


    [1] Kryvoshey, Valery: Upakovka book 

    [2] Kryvoshey, Valery: Packaging industry of Ukraine; presentation in Poznan 2014